Tuesday, August 07, 2007

משה רועה נאמן Moshe Rabbenu, the loyal shepherd

My dear father is no longer in body with us in this world. He passed away last week. People told us amazing stories about him. But the most amazing ones we will not know.. He helped thousands of people.. and never spoke about it.. he kept it to himself.. he did not make a big deal out of it.. as he used to say.. when someone buys an etrog before Succoss.. he looks for the most beautiful etrog.. on Succos he makes a bracha with all his kavanah and lots of joy. but after succos the mitzvah esrog is done and forgotten. So too when you do a kindness with someone.. you did it.. it's done.. don't think about it.. don't wait for a thank you or appreciation.. .. go run to a new mitzvah..

His passing was a total surprise to us. He had a stroke 6 years ago.. as a result he was partially paralyzed and lost his speech but his health was ok. He was living a full life.. full of excitement and passion..accomplishing so much.. every day was special.. His faith in Hashem was amazing.. He was always glowing.. radiating so much joy and love to everyone. He encouraged everyone around him and lifted their spirits.. He would listen to them... sympathize with them.. helped them.. and made them feel happy too! Not only did he help those who turned to him.. he seeked out those who needed help. He pursued Tzedakah and cheshed - kindness acts..He called up troubled people and often even visited them in person (even though it was difficult being in a wheel chair) encouraging them to pour out their hearts.. he listened. He would sing with them.. pray with them.. cheering them up and easing their pain.. He helped everyone.. Nothing would be in his way stopping him from helping a fellow human being.

He was a Torah Genius.. a tremendous Torah Scholar.. studying and teaching Torah 24 hours.. he had lots of students. I remember waking up in middle of the night and he would be sitting with a gemara.. studying it with the sweetest niggun.. with so much geshmak..so much enjoyment- It was his life. He knew that the essence of the Torah - is living the Torah..one must live it.. When it came to helping someone.. he dropped everything.. and immediately helped them.. No matter who it was.. children.. women.. men.. not only did he help on a general level.. but individually each one.. he smiled to every child.. and greeted everyone with a cheerful face and good word.

(My neighbor recalls one time when my father.. the dean of several Torah study institutions and founder/president of a well known charity organization.. in the busiest time of the year.. sat down and fed her children..
It was erev Pesach.. and usually people are busy.. my father figured that with all these preparations for the Holiday.. people are too busy and don't have time for their families to make food and eat.. He pulled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen to cook food. He then knocked on the neighbors door and gave her warm homemade food so she would for her family. After a few minutes he realized that she still didn't have a chance to feed her kids.. and the kids were jumping around.. he sat down and fed each one..)

I remember him coming home one winter day.. my mother (may her memory be blessed) asking him where his coat was.. and he answered that he saw someone without a coat so he gave him his coat.
He gave anything he can to help others..
His own privacy. Our home was open to everyone.. he always invited guests.. even for long periods.. Some people stayed in our home even for months.. even a couple of years.. I remember as kids.. we slept many times in my parents bedroom.. as guests were sleeping in ours.. Whenever anyone came across our house.. my father.. invited them in for a meal.. he would bring out the best food.. the entire refrigerator.. and even cook up something new.. he would sit and eat with them so they would feel comfortable.. I remember even friends I invited over to my house.. he loved to treat them.. and served them.. offering all kinds of drinks and snacks..making sure that at least they make a bracha in our house and drink something..

His prayers were special.. Coming straight from heart.. with all his soul.. Anyone who heard him pray was affected by it.
For many years he was a Chazan - Bal Tefillah in Germany and in other communities for the Yomim Noraim - Auspicies Days
He used to cry.. tears were streaming down his face.. the congregants used to say.. we do not know a word of Hebrew.. but the way your father davens we understand every word. His prayers were powerful.. full of emotion.. coming straight from the heart.. opening up their hearts and awakening them and bringing them closer to our Father in Heaven. For many years, every Shabbos he lead Tehillim groups for young children. He would lead it with his beautiful voice.. with so much passion.. with so much enjoyment. He knew the power of their prayers and wanted to pray with them. We then studied Torah with them.. and would tell them stories of our sages..

Everything he did.. he did entirely.. with his whole being.. with his whole essence. and אומר ועושה immediately..

The last few years was difficult being partially paralyzed and not being able to talk. But we could never see it on him..that it was difficult for him. He was always happy and singing. He was a powerful orator.. chazan. a leader ..Rabbi and now his speech was lost.. It must be very frustrating for any person to suddenly not be able to express themselves. and not being able to say a word. But he accepted it wholeheartedly. His spirits were always high.. and even raised others. For the past six months he was going to speech therapy twice a week.. no matter what the weather was.. and how he was feeling.. He went..
He never gave up. He had tremendous faith in Hashem.. that he'd getter better.. and did everything he can to get better. He knew that we would be happy to hear him say words.. So he tried.. over and over.. just to say some words and talk to us.. Whenever I came home and asked him how he was? how his day was? he would say - over and over- with a huge smile on his face- ..Zeiyer Gut.. Zeiyer Gut - very good.. very good...

Moshe Rabeinu .. (actually his name has the same letters) a father .. a shepherd to all.

His days were full.. He lived every minute..

May we follow in his ways... and may we merit very soon the coming of Moshiach and Techiyat Hameisim - where we all be together once again..

Besurot Tovot. - good news only


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