Wednesday, December 26, 2007

true desire for life "Chofetz Chayim"

I just heard Yitzchak Chofetz Chayim recounting the moving story of his life. I have heard him a few times. His courage to follow the truth is astoundingly admirable and I hope hearing it will affect me.

A- "What matters most is: what does Yitzchak feel about it.. am I the Yitzchak I want to be?" (Yitzchak Chofetz Chayim)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

L'chayim! ברוך אתה ה' שעשה לי נס an amazing miracle just happened to me!

ברוך אתה ה' שעשה לי נס

have a drink-- and let's toast l'chayim!

May we all see amazing miracles in our life always!

and may Hashem protect us and be with us always.

מודים אנחנו לך שאתה הוא ה' א-להינו וא-להי אבותינו לעולם ועד,
צורנו צור חיינו, מגן ישענו אתה הוא לדור ודור.

נודה לך ונספר תהילתך על חיינו המסורים בידך,
ועל נשמותינו הפקודות לך,
ועל נסיך שבכל יום עמנו,
ועל נפלאותיך וטובותיך שבכל עת, ערב ובוקר וצהרים.
הטוב כי לא כלו רחמיך, והמרחם כי לא תמו חסדיך, כי מעולם קוינו לך.

ועל כלם יתברך ויתרומם ויתנשא תמיד, שמך מלכנו לעולם ועד.

וכל החיים יודוך סלה, ויהללו ויברכו, את שמך הגדול, באמת, לעולם כי טוב,
האל ישועתנו ועזרתנו סלה, האל הטוב.

ברוך אתה ה', הטוב שמך ולך נאה להודות.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

black ice.

the thrill of just letting go--
and gliding--
on black ice!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Festival of Lights! Illuminations for the year.

I want to share - Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz powerful Chanuka Meditations:

*******These meditations are designed to harness the unique power of bringing light into darkness--that is available to us in many ways on Chanukah--to draw from, into the rest of the year


Yisrael's gift to the world is to glorify what cannot be measured and seen.

Scan the highlights of your day, week or life. Repeat (in a mantra fashion)over and over, the following statement, "The hidden aspect of this is _____". Allow answers to come to you until you open up the dimension of hidden glory as much as possible


While looking at the candle[s],squint your eyes and focus on the lines that radiate out. In your mind's eye, extend those lines endlessly from one end of the universe to the other. While you visually extend the lines, also conceptually extend the lines, and see the entire span of your life and all the lessons that you can derive, as well as the span of history and it's lessons...


Identify one challenge in your life, that you have no choice other than to somehow miraculously succeed, despite impossible odds working against you. Project with absolute clarity, how, with Hashem's help, you overcome and succeed. Continue in this way with other such challenges


Focus on areas of life, past, present or future, that are presently sunk in darkness, [ie...confusion, stuckness, impossible challenges...etc..], whether it be your own darkness or that of others. Fill yourself up with the light of the Shechinah---ie...Feel yourself surrounded and filled up with G-d's loving, caring and nurturing Light. Now begin to shine that Light onto the people and redeemable parts of yourself that are trapped in the darkness until you begin to sense that they are liberating and elevating

May our lights shine forever bright!