Thursday, November 29, 2007

5 bridge skating trip!

wow!! Thank you so much Gd for such an amazing skating trip tonight. I am still beaming.. It was so much fun! An over 3 hr trip around 5 bridges, city parks, and other urban discoveries.. Of course I spent some time at one of my favorites-- Empire State Fulton Park, water street.. stretched out on one of the rocks.. just looking at the sky.. looking around at the marvelous world.. and laughing..
I loved Osman Akan's art piece - "the third bridge"

After the Torah class and יט כסלו farbrengen that I went this evening.. for a moment I thought to take the subway home.. It's late enough I'm too lazy.. but thank I vetoed that idea immediately and headed out for some fun. It was around 11:00 pm. I just got back now.. 1ish.. wow! What a really great trip! and lots of mileage.. sweet sweat! and I feel good! thank you Hashem.
ברכי נפשי את ה' וכל קרובי את שם קרשו
Thanks for saving me from the pebble.. and even more thanks for saving me from so much that I don't even know about.. Please help me never to be lazy.. and to always have the ambition to go higher.. to get there.. and continue higher... please delight me with so much more fun! תודה לה'
and ye- thanks so much for the new songs tonight!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

תרבות הבית השלישי

Friday, November 23, 2007

cool installation piece in boro park

wow! what a cool installation I came across while skating down a block on Friday.. picking up my nephews pants from the cleaners...

...a tree with hundreds of colorful pacifiers in every color.. I was pleasantly surprised. I liked it.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

yay wheels!! shoes feel so weird...

So I am addicted to rollerblades- - why would anyone walk.. if they can skip.. just roll..
Every step is just so much more fun!

but I am in trouble -- some stores/places would not let me in with skates on.. and I just can't take them off..

I have been wanting to shop at Whole Foods, Fairways, and Trader Joe's for some good organic produce.. but they don't like skaters in their stores.. Lots of other supermarkets don't care.. but they don't have such a variety and/or higher priced.. so I am looking for skater friendly health stores-- I love to just wiz down the aisle and get what I need...

Once I know the sensation of skating-- and am hooked on it -- how can I remove my wheels?... unless it is overly inconvenient.. but it is not.. It's always fun.. I like staircases, weird surfaces.. jumping over speed bumps.. and I am really comfortable in them.. I actually have a lot more experience in my life rollerblading than walking... in years and definitely in mileage!

(While doing my 4 month skating trip across America.. for months I was just on rollerblades.. that was my only footware.. only on Shabbos would I take my rollerblades off - but Shabbos is Shabbos.. your whole being soars..
Sometimes during the week it would happen that I entered a supermarket which wasn't to fond of my skating.. so I just skated a few more miles down the highway to the next supermarket. Once when it happened I was really tired and hungry.. so I tried reasoning with the manager to let me shop..but he would not hear of it.. I explained that I am lot more likely to trip with shoes on. I still remember how weird it felt to wear the shoes.. I almost tripped. )

I hope you guys change your policy.. Please be considerate. In any case – please don't yell!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

lots of mileage today.

What a beautiful weather today.

lots of mileage--
Brooklyn.. over Brooklyn Bridge.. Manhattan..


Monday, November 19, 2007

living in the אין space -

Thanks Rabbi Dov Ber Pinson for a great class..

( אל-הי-ם)

we can all access it - creating miracles - by not getting stuck in the יש - to see the אין סוף in everyting.. in all...

please G-d help me

Sunday, November 18, 2007

bh some great workouts..

some speed skating races built up a sweet sweat.. bp -flat.. last week and today, all the way down Broadway a few times.. to one of my favorite places.. Battery Park city.. European, American/ Jewish.. philosophy.. Some amazing classes R' Yom Tov Glaser, Rebitzin Jungries - favorite Parsha.. Rabbi Sam Shor with amazing Aish Kodesh and then hearing the next day the Tanya class on the same idea.. I love when it happens.. shavua tov! remember Simply Tzfat happy story.. diamond, wheat.. holding miracle baby.
purple potatoes..
vanilla rice dream kashi strawberry raspberry honey crisp cereal with pomegranate seeds sprinkled on top.. yummy!

שבענו מטובך

no, not that kind of adventures, please Hashem. You know what we want.

I had this sick feeling in my stomach when I saw him take out his pad..and then he threatened me and I knew it could be real.. If not for You Hashem.. I turned to You and prayed and You saved me but even after being saved.. It still brought back so much hurt feelings.. which I didn't want.. and it made me feel bad. Please Hashem no not that kind of adventures.
שפטני אלוהים וריבה ריבי מגוי לא חסיד מאיש מרמה ועולה תפלטיני כי את ה אלוהי מעוזי למה זנחתני למה קדר אתהלך בלחץ אויב שלח אורך ואמתך המה ינחוני יביאוני אל הר קדשך ואל משכנותיך ואבואה אל מזבח אלוהים אל אל שמחת גילי ואודך בכנור אלהים אלהי מה תשתוחחי נפשי ומה תהמי עלי הוחילי לאלוהים כי עוד אודנו ישועות פני ואלהי
תהילים מג

כי הצלת נפשי ממות הלא רגלי מדחי להתהלך לפני אלהים באור החיים נו
כהנדוף עשן תנדף כהמס דונג מפני אש יאבדו רשעים מפני אלוהים
אבי יתומים ודין אלמנות אלהים במעון קדשו
אלוהים מושיב יחידים ביתה מוציא אסירים בכושרות אך סוררים שכנו צחיחה סח
הושיעיני אלהים כי באו מים עד נפש טבעתי ביון מצולה ואין מעמד באתי במעמקי מים ושבלת שטפתני יגעתי בקראי נחר גרוני כלו עיני מיחל לאלהי
מוזר הייתי לאחי ונכרי לבני אמי
ואני תפלתי לך ה' עת רצון אלהים ברב חסדך ענני באמת ישעך
הצילני מטיט ואל אטבעה אנלה משנאי וממעמקי מים אל תשטפני שבלת מים ואל תבלעני מצולה ואל תאטר עלי באר פיה ענני ה' כי טוב חסדך כרב רחמיך פני אלי ואל תסתר פניך מעבדך כי צר לי מהר ענני
קרבה אל נפשי גאלה למעו איבי פדיני
אתה ידעת חרפתי ובשתי וכלמתי נגדך כל צוררי
ואני עני וכואב
ישועתך אלוהים תשגבני
אהללה שם אלוהים בשיר ואגדלנה בתודה
כי אלוהים יושיע ציון ויבנה ערי יהודה וישבו שם וירשוה וזרע עבדיו ינחליה ואהבי שמו ישכנו בה

looking forward.. any minute to wondrous miracles יהללוהו שמים וארץ ימים וכל רומש בם.. for the day when the whole world will rejoice with You Hashem. Amen!

Monday, November 05, 2007

sea of life - adventure islands --

oh how I miss them. I was last there on Wednesday. No words to describe this ecstatic experience. I hope to be back soon.
In the meantime.. I am here.. to discover new adventures.. in New York City.