Sunday, January 13, 2008

the bqe lesson

the bqe lesson right in front of me - york street and jay.. and I just walked down the ramp...
and then another reminder atm- can't read.. there's not much to read.. and then......
thank you G-d..

I could've G-d forbid equally chose not to go for it...

if I wouldn't open up to see it..
I wouldn't see it.
Thank you G-d
I know it is You!

Thank You for giving me the strength and seemingly insane(? or the other way around is?) thought in my mind to go for it.. and for showing me that it's there... You've given it to me.. I just have to want...
and yeh it's not insane at all -- מי שאמר לשמן וידלוק הוא יאמר לחומץ וידלוק

Thank You Hashem so much for the sweet reminder.. and please if You see I need it.. I constantly do.. please remind me again in the most awesome loving way...


Blogger Joviva said...

wondering what the message HaShem gave you was.. and in what form? just curious, happened upon your blog while looking in a library of Jewish women musicians and eventually linked to your site.
beautiful art and music.
thanks for sharing your journey.

8:57 PM  

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