Sunday, August 10, 2008

A prayer for our return home

Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz

Our Merciful father
We grieve for all that we have lost
We grieve, but with a grieving
that is full of trust and hope---
a trust that our grieving will be
transformed into pure joy---
a joy that comes when our prayers our answered and
our dreams are fulfilled

But most important, Hashem
We yearn for your Prescence
here on earth
in the Place that
You have chosen to Dwell
from time immemorial

Bring us all home Dear Lord,
Bring us all back home to Jerusalem
to the place that we have
never stopped loving and longing for
in every prayer
in every major event
of our lives

Return us to the Jerusalem
that shines in her full glory
to the Jerusalem of today
that is being transformed
into the ultimate Jerusalem
of tomorrow
with her Prophets
and her Scholars
and her Priests
and her Mashiach
and her Holy Temple
all shining forth
with the brightest
of Divine Light
a light that lights up
all the darknesses
of the entire world

Bring us home
our G-d and G-d of our fathers
Bring us back
to the home of our youth
bring us to a home where we know
that all that really counts is
to be with You
in all ways always

Bring us Home
to ourselves
to our fully expressed
fully blossomed
glorious selves
Open up the wellsprings of
inside of our hearts and souls

for all this
and more than we
can express
we ask you, Dear G-d
to bring us home!!


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