Saturday, January 16, 2010


Wow! This has been an amazing Shabbos B"H!! Endless great songs!
לכה דודי .. יום זה לישראל.. and so much more - non stop. Thank you Hashem for all musical gifts!

(The food winner was--The abundant berry chocolate smoothie-- it was divine! Second place was the לחם חמודות savory breadsticks and third the Indian masala chulent. For presentation: the award is for the zig zag cucumbers and colorful pepper tulips..)

(Three hours into Motzash for some) -- It was still really hard to let go of Shabbos.. I felt a bit down.. I made Havdallah, lit candles for מלוה מלכה and started singing again.. until 3:09 am.. that did it! and then got a beautiful ותוכל musical confirmation..
inspired from the messages of מלכה של תורה - which I read ealier today, always finishing off with amazing humbleness, gratitude and hope: thanking Hashem for being with him and a prayer that Hashem continues to be with him.
אברך ה' שהיה לי לאורה ועזרני בביאור פרשת וארא כן יגמלני בטובו לבאר פרשת בא
and then the answer is right there - Hashem says don't worry -- just come with me בא
also remarkable פרי צדיק on שבת פרשת וארא ראש חודש שבט
so with these inspirations, while singing זמירות, Hashem with his great kindness reassured me with a musical interpretation of ותוכל

(some of the underlying messages)
כי שרית עם אלוהים ותוכל אל תירא עבדי יעקב
just come with me בא אל פרעה don't stop yourself short, don't be afraid to face it! just come with me - ותוכל - you'll make it!

(this is amazingly timely as I need to leave home, and go to NY but can't bring myself to buy a ticket yet. I hope this will be a catalyst for great miracles and wonders)


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