The Shabbos of Vision in Calgary - Dad is there wherever you want to see Him..
Menachem Av
You'll find אב --your Dad wherever you open your eyes to see Him..
I was a little in a sad state personally thinking a lot about my dad - losing him -- it was the Shabbos before his Yahrtzeit.. and parallel to that - thinking about losing our connection with our Father with Tisha B'av coming up..
The talk Shabbos Day in Shul by the guest speaker on the topic of Kibud Av VaEm didn't add much to my mood -- it awakened and made those feelings stronger.
And then something caught my eye - I was totally surprised -- and started shaking --there was my father right in front of me-- comforting me -- I'm always with you wherever you are..
Right after the talk, people were making their way to the dining room for "Shalshodis".. While everyone was waiting on line to wash.. I picked up a magazine from the rack. I wasn't paying much attention.. my mind was somewhere else.. thinking about my Dad-- and there he was -- I opened the magazine up to a page that had a picture of my father. The magazine was actually a publication which I was involved in producing... but this was from three years ago?!? There have been other publications since then. It stayed in the rack all the time so when I would make my way in Calgary that Shabbos I would get the message! I'm always with you -even in far out Calgary - just open your eyes! Our Dad אבא, merciful father אב הרחמן is always with us! May we have that vision! Amen! and really know it! and really experience and see it with our physical eyes -- with the coming of Moshiach and וקומו שוכני עפר
הנה אנכי שולח לכם את אליה הנביא לפני בוא יום ה' הגדול והנורא: והשיב לב אבות על בנים ולב בנים על אבותם