Tuesday, June 26, 2012
יברכך ה' מציון וראה בטוב ירושלים
Greetings from Zion b'h!
I was in the airport in Sydney indecisive about where in the world to go. Actually, I had no idea where to go. I slept in the terminal and said tehillim all night praying/ asking Hashem for guidance (they did kick everyone one out at 11:00 pm but after staying a while outside I got in again) I then B"H got the feeling to go to Eretz Yisrael - Eretz Tovah Meod Meod The Land Hashem assures us is VERY VERY good - the source of all blessings!
May we experience lots of blessings and peace! so I'm here now.. may it be please so Hashem as You promise us-- the Land that is very very good and may we please Hashem merit to experience it that way!
May we all come home and find our home safe, sound, relaxing and with lots of positive excitement and goodness! and may we merit very soon in our days Hashem's return home to Zion as in the days of the past... even more.