Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Getting there... The Last Frontier

I just hitchiked from NYC to Alaska. NY - North Dakota - Winnipeg - Alberta - BC - Yukon - Alaska Hgwy - Glen Hgwy - Parks Hgwy - Dalton - Arctic Circle - all
the way to Arctic Ocean.. over 5000 miles and going..
I rollerbladed across the border at North Dakota - Winnipeg. The Canadian and American border control gave me quite some trouble. I guess I am the first to cross their borders on rollerblades.. (besides they probably aren't too fond of happy hippies..my sleeping bag and tent didn't add some points either.) they haven't seen it before and made sure to run quite some background checks on me first.. extensive questioning and a thorough check of all my belongings while they had me closed behind the door in the waiting room. It was no fun.. especially when they had misplaced the roof of my tent.. I couldn't find it. It wouldn't be fun to get rained out.. B"H when I opened later my sleeping bag I had found it. They stuffed inside?!


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