Sunday, July 09, 2006

They had a rule. I loved it.

To stop and swim in every body of water river/lake we passed along the way!

It was loads of fun!!

Thank you cool kids in the bus to Oregon..

I had just filled up the tank @ the gas station.. when the bus broke down and couldn't continue.. Where's good karma? - don't worry.. It is always there. Gam Zu L'tovah. Everything G-d does is good. Oh Please G-d let me live that way...

The kids were planning to take it easy anyways that afternoon.. so it worked out for them.. hopefully the bus just needed to take a break and cool off. I had just walked up to the entrance ramp when I got a great ride all the way to Steamboat Springs..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you take such a delight in life when the country you love so much, Israel, has killed 40 Palestinians in the last 48 hours?

3:19 PM  
Blogger truelife said...

I feel terribly sorry about any human being or anything having any pain or suffering at all. Taking delight in life however, is no contradiction to the pain I feel for people being hurt or even worse for hurting each other...

It actually is probably the remedy..
Maybe if everyone would find delight in life - love themselves more than they hate.. we would hopefully have no pain and we would get to learn through love and delight..
Al B'apcha Tochicheini..

4:40 PM  

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