Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The power haircut!

The power of a bad hair cut.. a hair chop

It can make you pray like never before..

I was vulnerable, naked, standing in front of G-d with my true essence. I lost my outside identity I was familiar with.. This happened in a moment. It was a total shock.. I wasn't prepared at all..

I walked into the hair salon/hair styling academy.. with my hair being in a ponytail. I haven't gotten a haircut in a year or so and my hair was now long.. below my shoulder.. In a moment, all my hair in the back was chopped off.

I asked for a shoulder length haircut with some layers.. I must have been this students first haircut model.. and accidentally all my hair in the back got chopped … Realizing this.. I immediately got up and ran out before any more of my hair was chopped. My hair in the front wasn't cut yet, so it was about chin length, and the hair in the back was real short like an inch or less. I now had a funky punk hairstyle..

Just too cool for me… or the other way around.. I am too cool for such a cool hairstyle.. I don't want a hairstyle which shouts looks I am cool. I want my coolness to be coming from within.. It should be emanating from my essence .. with beautiful kind deeds.. and not by a hairstyle..

I felt weird and uncomfortable with this punk hairstyle.. especially in Jerusalem Eir Hakodesh in the high holiday season…

I later went to the kotel.. My prayers were powerful and real.. This haircut opened my heart.. and enabled me to pray from a higher state of awareness.. Thank You Hashem.
לב נשבר ונדכה ה' לא תבזה
תיקר שירת רש בעיניך כשיר יושר על קרבניך

May all our prayers be answered for the best and May Hashem bless us all with
the sweetest year!

So I guess a bad haircut once in a while is healthy.. it is a good reminder.. Making you aware of who you really are…

I pray that I am not challenged again.. I pray that I see beneath the façade through beauty kindness compassion and not any pain or the slightest disappointment.. but I guess I needed this reminder.. and it had to be through this hair chop.

כתיבה וחתימה טובה
to you my fellow blog reader, all of Klal Yisrael and the entire world!

We are all one. Interconnected intertwined.. one soul.. we are ready for a new world! Where the truth clarity and goodness shine!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you end up getting it fixed?

9:29 PM  
Blogger truelife said...

no. It was too late now.. There really wasn't a a way to fix it.. Just continue chopping off the front as well. So I prefered to just leave it.. At least I have some long hair left in the front.. (luckily, in general, I like to experiment with new things.. just this time it wasn't by choice.. it was forced upon me by accident.. and it would take more than a year to have it back the way it was.. but I am sure nothing is an accident.. it's all for the best!) honestly.. it's not that bad.. I am getting used to it..

9:46 PM  

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