Thursday, November 22, 2007

yay wheels!! shoes feel so weird...

So I am addicted to rollerblades- - why would anyone walk.. if they can skip.. just roll..
Every step is just so much more fun!

but I am in trouble -- some stores/places would not let me in with skates on.. and I just can't take them off..

I have been wanting to shop at Whole Foods, Fairways, and Trader Joe's for some good organic produce.. but they don't like skaters in their stores.. Lots of other supermarkets don't care.. but they don't have such a variety and/or higher priced.. so I am looking for skater friendly health stores-- I love to just wiz down the aisle and get what I need...

Once I know the sensation of skating-- and am hooked on it -- how can I remove my wheels?... unless it is overly inconvenient.. but it is not.. It's always fun.. I like staircases, weird surfaces.. jumping over speed bumps.. and I am really comfortable in them.. I actually have a lot more experience in my life rollerblading than walking... in years and definitely in mileage!

(While doing my 4 month skating trip across America.. for months I was just on rollerblades.. that was my only footware.. only on Shabbos would I take my rollerblades off - but Shabbos is Shabbos.. your whole being soars..
Sometimes during the week it would happen that I entered a supermarket which wasn't to fond of my skating.. so I just skated a few more miles down the highway to the next supermarket. Once when it happened I was really tired and hungry.. so I tried reasoning with the manager to let me shop..but he would not hear of it.. I explained that I am lot more likely to trip with shoes on. I still remember how weird it felt to wear the shoes.. I almost tripped. )

I hope you guys change your policy.. Please be considerate. In any case – please don't yell!


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