Don't you say you love me
with an everlasting love (you love me)
Don't you say you love me
With an everlasting love
Is this the way you show it..
That when…
And you just have fun
looking at us
And you just have fun
laughing at us
And you just have fun
seeing us in pain.. trying to make it work..
But if you make the rules
You've got
no excuses
Nothing is beyond you
But if you make the rules
You've got
no excuses
Nothing is beyond you
What sort of entertainment is this for you?
What sort of game are you playing with us?
I don't want to play this game..I don't believe in this song..
Even when I was writing it.. and singing it.. I know
that life is not some sort of movie G-d is enjoying watching..
Life is not a game G-d is playing with us.. .
It just can't be..
G-d is not enjoying … seeing us in pain..
He is always with us.. in our.. or more correctly in His pain..
(just as the silversmith purifying his silver in the fire.. he can't drop the silver for a second . or else it'll just get too hot... and how does he know that the silver is ready, pure and just perfect.. when the silversmith sees his image in the silver..)
And that we are not.. merely His entertainers..
Yet I was extremely hurting at that time and the question still remains … and I don't think there could be an answer.. since any reasoning given I'd say.. but G-d is beyond this logic.. He is not bound limited by that… and could've created the world as such that…
I would appreciate your insights and this..
Yet, a believer is not a believer for the answers.. He is a believer for the questions..
Still I believe in G-d..
a merciful good G-d
our father..our lover..
G-d recreating the world.. and every single thing in this world.. every moment.
He is watching over us and being with us constantly.. every moment..
Everything comes from Him and it is all G-d - Good.
I pray pray pray I should never lose faith in this..
never be down as to entertain thoughts otherwise..
but maybe those thoughts… doubts..
challenge me..
make me stronger…
make me grow...
ירידה לצורך עליה
help.. here I go..
I am getting stuck again..
but G-d created this rule… this law of nature.. law of spirituality.. cause and effect.. and G-d is unlimited.. infinite.. beyond this..
Chag Sameach..
Hashem please bless us all to see Your beauty joy light and love.. and serve you through joy!