Sunday, November 26, 2006

בך ה' חסיתי אל אבושה לעולם

G-d I believe in you
in an infinite G-d
where there is no impossible
where everything can change
and everyone is
reborn every moment!
reborn, reborn, reborn,

בך ה' חסיתי
אל אבושה לעולם

בצדקתך פלטני

ואני אל ה' בטחתי

מכל צררי הייתי חרפה

אל אבושה
כי קראתיך

בידך אפקיד רוחי פדית אותי ה'
אל אמת

אהבו את ה' כל חסידיו
אמונים נוצר ה'
חזקו ויאמץ לבבכם
כל המיחלים לה'

תהילים לא

Thursday, November 16, 2006

הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו

So I was running very late this morning.. I am always running late..
I waited for the bus to Jerusalem.. but it seemed that I had already missed it.. The next one would only be in another 1/2 hour. I was supposed to be already in Jerusalem by then.. I pleaded to Gd to please send a sheirut or some other bus line/company.. but nothing passed.. just the time.. It was getting really late... So I took a taxi to the exit of town and figured I'd hitch a ride from there..

A car stopped..he said he was going only to the next junction..being so late already.. I didn't care.. anything to get me closer.. However I realized he was smoking so I got right off. A second later another car stopped.. chevra from la..they were going to Jerusalem..They dropped me off right where I needed. Thanks so much..

I checked out the Museum of Psalms.. Wow!! I have got songs for a lot of the paintings.. I need to come back next time with my mini disc recorder and write some more songs.. It is such a beautiful inspiring space.. the artist Moshe Tzvi Berger is so.. so.. talented and has an amazing personality.. so sweet and inspirational.. he is so nice..

Later I skated to the dead sea. So much fun today.. I was even able to almost close my eyes for some part of it.. and just enjoy the ride.. At the Jericho junction I decided to allow myself to brake only twice from there on.. but I didn't even use it.. there weren't too many cars.. and I was just going full speed. nice.. (heh - maybe it's nothing to be proud of.. it is just a sign you need anew pair of skates.. they are getting rusty..)

I discovered some new hot springs today.. and a delicious mud pool.. one of the best! TYG הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

truelife explained.


I have been getting quite a lot of comments, remarks.. lately.. as to my adventures possibly contradicting and conflicting with

  • my religious beliefs and observances..
  • marriage referred to by others as 'settling down'..

  • so here's truelife explained..

    Are you on the road now? It's funny, for a long time I've wanted to understand why some people want so much to travel, and now that I've come across someone who does more than sightsee the world, it seems almost unnecessary to ask. It's so obviously part of your tafkid and avodat HaShem. are you on the road right now?

    I am always on the road..
    hopefully I pray.. the right ones..

    NYC, Bet Shemesh, and everywhere in the world is home BH.. but yet at the same time.. I feel like I am on the road too.. trying to live every moment.. trying to be always learning, growing.. and exploring new things, places, ways.. I try not to become too settled, too comfortable.. lazy..getting stuck in routine g-d forbid and oblivios and unappreciative to the beauty around us..

    I pray to always have an excitement as if it was my first time living it.. breathing it..

    "Doesn't your adventurous free spirited being, contradict with your religious observance.."
    I feel that it absolutely does not. In fact, it has strenghthened me so much.. It is the most growing positive rejuvenating experience.. My relationship with Hashem and my observance of mitzvot is so much more meaningful and real.. with so much more flavor.

    You say on your blog "hopefully B'ezrat Hashem, I'll find a teammate soon.. .. to run this amazing race."

    From reading your blog, things seem just perfect the way they are seems a teammate would just slow your pace and constrict your spontaneity, sense of freedom and ability to explore...

    Do you want a teammate because you sincerely believe it will result in a better experience...or has the idea come through the subconscious back door of what society expects of you?

    To answer your question whether the idea of finding a teammate is my earnest desire originating from my consciousness and not being a derivative of social conditioning and societal expectations..I say it is the former.I am sure however that some of the latter seeped in as well..I'd be lying if I'd say that I am free of social conditioning..(Remarks made by others.. "Wouldn't it be cool to have 10 Rachels".. "imagine skating down the highway with your little skaters.." have been entertained. Lol)

    My idea of marriage is not one of stagnation "settling down" but a life-long adventure an ever going dynamic relationship where one is challenged and inspired to constantly grow, give, and reach greater heights.

    Adventure might take on a different form.. But hopefully, I pray, that the adventure excitement and passion will be greater.. exponentially ever increasing.. Ha! I know it's sounding too romantic and I am sure practically between the dirty diapers, cranky non-stop crying baby triplets, I actually like cooking so that doesn't count.. hosting guests, family obligations and responsibilities I might "resort to smashing things on the floor" (more likely.. taking a break in the woods.. skydiving or a good swim..) but at the end of day I know and believe that this is the greatest most rewarding adventure..

    and 'adventure' as in my blog...
    Nature - the great outdoors, traveling, music, arts, architecture, high adrenaline sports.. explorations are a major part of my life.. of who I am.. It has been such positive, growing, gratifying experiences for me.. and it continues to be.. I wouldn't want to keep my family g-d willing and loved ones away from it. I would love to share it..

    I also hope that my future spouse will be ambitious, motivated, independent, be living his dreams and have his interests that he is passionate about.. adding more fun into the equation…

    השלך על ה' יהבך והוא יכלכלך עזרי מעם ה' עושה שמים וארץ
    ואתה מחיה את כולם.. the breath of fresh air.. the oxygen in my lungs that He supplies me every moment.. with His great kindness and compassion.. אמן

    והיה טרם יקראו ואני אענה

    והיה טרם יקראו ואני אענה

    thank you so much G-d..
    even more so.. for your sweet message that you love me.

    Monday, November 13, 2006

    too daring??

    I always blog about fun skating trips..
    What about not such fun ones..
    They rarely happen.
    I love skating and B"H amazing things happen along the way.
    but today would be one of those rare not such fun ones...

    B"H my trip though ended amazingly fun..
    But what a skating trip...
    It was so so stressful and just too mad..
    Was I maybe too daring?

    I still haven't found the limit of strength, heroism, fearlessness - laziness, silliness...

    I left my house late today.. and hit the road after the sun has set completely.. It was dark outside.. and I could not see the road..

    I skate many times @ night.. but the Jerusalem-dead sea @ night is mad.. especially with no moon out. It's a lot more stressful than Jerusalem - TA highway because the former besides for being such a major decline- 40km totally downhill, it is not lit up @ night at all, it is a one lane highway, and doesn't have any shoulders.... so you've got to really be totally on your toes all the time..riding under control and knowing exactly what's going on.. because the cars.. they don't.. they won't see me.. It was so.. so stressful. Especially when I would be surprised faced by a car from upcoming traffic coming right into me while trying to pass the cars in front of them.. obviously totally not being aware and not realizing that I am there skating.. flying down at considerable speed..

    also being blinded by the glare of opposite traffic headlights was quite frightening....

    and oh the sirens.. the sirens... deafening! especially one mean lady.. who refused to stop.. honking.. and drove right up to me.. making sure to leave no room and forcing me off the road..
    Thank g-d I was in control and able to jump off road..

    The highway was dark so busy with rush hour traffic.. too annoying..

    Baruch Hashem - the hot springs definitely made up for it!
    (I couldn't find them @ first and hiked around quite some time to find them.. they are constantly changing.. also it was totally dark tonight.. and couldn't see anything..)

    but I found them.. BH

    they were so hot today..
    so relaxing.. calming.. and peaceful!!!
    and the natural jacuzzi with the swirling pebbles...
    and the hot rocks...
    and the soft mud massaging my body...
    and swimming in the cool water of the dead sea.. surrounded by beautiful mountains, water and star and sky... always chill..
    always refreshing..


    Sunday, November 12, 2006

    It was so amazing to see all the beautiful people..

    I still can't stop smiling.. sharing the love.. the light..
    hey.. it's our natural environment.. get out.. breathe the fresh air.. roll in the grass.. swim in the luscious swimming holes.. sing and dance.. make your own organic healthy food.. smile .. learn.. share.. be open.. honest.. let the sun glow on your face.. warm yourself up by the fire.. cuddle up in the sleeping bag.. sleep under the stars.. and wake up to the beautiful sounds of nature.. the trees, birds.. butterflies.. and happy smiling faces.. huming a sweet melody ...
    thanking g-d for the beautiful world He created and for the chance of daring to dream it and live it..
    that's living..

    Monday, November 06, 2006

    not such a lovely aroma..


    The smell just makes me so nauseous and gives me headaches.. even if I move right on.. my clothes, hair, and body then smell of cigarettes and get me so sick.. ugh!

    Wednesday, November 01, 2006

    a lovely aroma fills our home..

    I am making Dulce de leche Pareve ( it's my invention..but go ahead..use it..)
    Our house smells so so good.. Every 1/2 hour of so.. I mix it.. and taste it again..

    We are having BH lots of guests and good company this Shabbos.. I want to make triple layered ice cream - butterscotch, coffee, and peanut butter.. topped with a delicious crunch, halva and chocolate..

    I saw today a huge juicy pomegrante @ Aleph. It was the size of a medium honeydew. I have never seen anything even 1/2 that size.. I got it L'kovod Shabbos.. Moshiach times.. BBA.