Thursday, June 21, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
this is the moment.
I just got an email from Rabbi Metzger Chabad Midtown in honor of the 13th Yarhtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson this Tuesday ג' תמוז
The Rebbe's love and care for every person is legendary. May we complete his lifetime mission of filling the world with goodness and kindness.
The Rebbe believed passionately in the power of action and often pointed out:
the very fact that you are here,
in this place,
at this time
and with the opportunities available to you,
means that
there is something that only YOU can do,
something of utmost importance to G-d.
There is no moment more vital
than the one right now.
There is no space more crucial
than the one in which you stand.
This is the moment
when Moshiach can come,
bringing blessings for all humankind.
Amen! May it be the moment!
ברוך אתה ה' אוהב עמו ישראל
I say this blessing every day.. (with the name of Hashem..)
I must believe it!
taking Hashem's word for it..
Hashem - We as partners in this world - our life- our unique contribution- our dreams-choices-free will-making it happen- faith - attraction - our needs- our wants - sustenance - soul mate -family - health- happiness- anything that happens to us- our will-Hashem's will- aligning the two.. or rather discovering the ONE!
I hope and pray to live the amazing race.. always living these important lessons....
Taking Hashem's Word For It
Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffman
Parshas Shelach begins with Hashem's instructions to Moshe to, "Send forth for yourself men, and let them spy out the Land of Canaan that I am giving to the Bnei Yisrael... (13:2)" Rashi, in a well-known comment, makes note of the unusual reflexive case of the verb shelach - send forth for yourself. He explains that the Torah is emphasizing that there was no directive from Hashem to send forth spies, but rather that permission was given to do so. Rashi goes on to explain that what in fact happened is this: People came and said to Moshe, "Let us send men ahead of us, and let them spy out the land of Israel, and bring word back to us. (Devarim/Deuteronomy 1:22)" Moshe consulted Hashem regarding the matter. Hashem replied: "I have already told them the Land is good [and that I will give it to them]... (Shemos/Exodus 3:17)" All the same, while Hashem did not order the spies sent, he did ultimately give Moshe permission to do so. Thus, "Send forth spies for yourselves..."
The difficulty is this: Immediately following, the Torah writes (verse 3), "And Moshe sent them forth from the Desert of Paran by the word of Hashem..." Rashi appears to have been disturbed by the phrase "al pi Hashem - by Hashem's word," and writes, "[this means] with His permission; He did not prevent them." Normally, though, the phraseology "al pi Hashem" is used by the Torah to describe an act performed under Hashem's directive, and not just with His permission.
In parshas Behar the Torah describes the mitzvah of Shemitah. Every seventh year Jewish farmers must allow their land to lie dormant, without plowing, planting or cultivating. What is one to eat during the seventh (and eighth) year until the new supply of produce begins to grow? Good question! In fact the Torah itself poses it! "And if you will ask: What shall we eat in the seventh year - behold we will not sew, nor gather our produce! I shall command My blessing for you in the sixth year; [the earth] will give forth [enough] produce for three years! (Vayikra/Leviticus 25:20)"
At first glance, the question-and-answer style of wording, "And if you ask... I shall command... " is something commonly found in the study of the Talmud (shakla ve-tarya - give and take), but almost never found in Scripture! If Hashem wants to give the produce of the sixth year a special blessing, let Him go ahead and do so, but why bother posing the question?
The holy Rebbe R' Elimelech of Liezensk zt"l in his sefer Noam Elimelech (parshas Behar) cites his brother, R' Zisha, who explains the semantics here with a basic yet beautiful premise: When Hashem placed man on this world, His intention was to take care of all of his basic physical/material needs and necessities. To facilitate this, He established spiritual channels through which material blessing could flow from the upper spheres. Our task in not to create the channels - they are already there - but rather just to make sure we don't damage them and destroy the paths that have already been forged for our benefit.
There's an expression in Yiddish; "Az m'fregt iz pusel," which roughly translates into, "If you're asking the question, the answer is probably no." In our context, when we ask, thereby questioning Hashem's ability to provide for us, we damage the spiritual channels through which our sustenance and blessings should flow. As long as we rely on Hashem, without qualms or queries, things will take care of themselves in a most wondrous way. It's only when we start snooping around and stirring up the dust that our questions become a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy; because we ask, the question in fact becomes a very good question.
From where, indeed, are our blessings now going to come, seeing as how we've plugged up the channels with our doubts and misgivings? Az m'fregt - iz pusel!
The Ramban in parshas Bechukosai (Vayikra/Leviticus 26:11) writes that although the Torah gives permission for doctors to practice medicine, were we to conduct ourselves consistently according to Torah, there would be no need for them. For a Jew who places his complete trust in Hashem for all his needs, he writes, the miraculous becomes the norm. Things fall into place with very little effort, and blessings permeate and pervade his day-to-day life.
(This is not to be misunderstood as an instructive not to go to doctors and not to take care of our material needs; to endanger one's health or livelihood is strictly forbidden according to the Torah! What it means is that within our material lives, the more we question and the more we stray, the more we will be subjected to the natural order and end up having to "take care of ourselves." Conversely, to the extent we place our trust in Hashem and conduct our lives accordingly, the more we will find things taking care of themselves with little effort on our behalf. If things aren't going smoothly, it seems, it may be a sign that there has been damage to our "channels.")
Based on this, I believe, we can propose a very simple answer to the above discrepancy between the spies being optional (send forth spies for yourselves), yet obligational (by the word of Hashem): Before they asked, there was no need to send spies - Hashem's word was more than good enough reason to believe that the Land was good, and that it would be given to them without any need for the usual tactics of espionage and military preparations. "I told them I would bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey!" Yet for whatever reason the Jews were not satisfied with Hashem's word. They wanted to check things out for themselves and draw their own conclusions. Az m'fregt iz pusel - once the question had been raised and the request made, preparation became a necessity. By doubting Hashem's promise, they damaged the channels and forfeited their capacity to receive the Land without any effort on their part. "Now that you ask," said Hashem to Moshe, "I think it's a very good idea - indeed a necessity - that you take the necessary precautions before entering the Land!" [Based in part on Emes Le-Yaakov, R' Yaakov Kamenetsky zt"l]
Sometimes not asking is one of the hardest things to do. Humans are very used to taking care of themselves, and it's not easy to place all our trust in something we can't control. Perhaps the following mashal of the Dubner Maggid can help us to do so:
A weary Jew was once travelling along a dirt road schlepping a heavy load. A wealthy Jew in a wagon passed by, and kindly stopped to offer him a ride. He graciously accepted, and climbed aboard the wagon, where he sat down, resting his weary feet. Yet he refused to put down his heavy sack, which remained perched upon his shoulders. "Reb Yid," said the wagon owner, "why don't you put down your load?"
"I wouldn't want to be even more trouble," he said. "After all, it's kind enough of you to have taken me aboard! Why should your horses have to pull the additional weight of my sack?"
"But don't you understand - even if you carry your load on your shoulders, my horses are still schlepping you and your peklach! You're accomplishing nothing by carrying them on your shoulders - so throw them down and let my horses do the work!"
"Throw your load onto Hashem," says David HaMelech, "and He will take care of you (Tehillim/Psalms 55:23)!" He's running the show anyways, so you might as well throw your load on His shoulders! Not only will it ease your worries, it actually makes the blessings flow smoother.
אתה הוא ה' האלוקים הזן מפרנס לכל
and found this nice parable..
A father once sent his son off on a journey to a distant land. Along with the provisions, the father also added a bundle of money to pay for his son’s expenses. As they were planning the trip they found out that foreign soldiers were frequenting the roads they needed to use, making travel extremely dangerous. The father decided he did not want to leave his son alone under such dangerous circumstances and decided to join him on the trip. When they were on the wagon the son said to the father, “Where is the bundle of money you prepared me for expenses on the journey?” The father replied, “Am I not accompanying you? If you need anything you can just ask me and I will take care of it.”
( The Magid brings this mashal regarding Yakov Avinu..Once G-d promised him that He will not leave him, there is no need to directly relate to Yaakov’s material needs. Wherever he is, Yaakov eats of his Father’s food. when G-d says He will accompany Yaakov, He is implicitly telling him that all of his material needs are also taken care of. G-d says to Yaakov, “I am always with you; whenever you call I will answer.” [by Eliezer Kwass]
Doesn't Hashem promise us all- He will always be with us..
השגחה פרטית
we are co-creators
We can all make our own choices in life..
some people are afraid to dream, some people are afraid to live it.. they are afraid of surprises.. afraid of the unknown, they want to feel in control.. they don't allow G-d into their reality..
But really we are co-creators with Hashem in this world.. we make it happen..
Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz shared with us a wonderful 3 part co-creating formula:
a. CREATE A REALITY-----with as much certainty as possible---CREATE an intended projected new reality for yourself [or perhaps even for others] based on whatever it is that you need...the sky's the limit. Don't worry about it being miraculous [G-d will take care of that part].... my teacher taught me to do 25 of these daily---just to get in shape! You need to exercise the power of Emunah and Kavanah or directed will to be effective at this stage . I do suggest that you leave it a bit't throw in too many details---you want to leave G-d some 'space' to do it in His way and in His own good time! Perhaps the most important ingredient [ie...the Jewish part] is to do it for Hashem's sake ---to do Tikun Olam, Kiddush Hashem---making His Name sanctified in the world or at the very least to do it for myself --but only if it finds favour in His Eyes!
b. GET OUT OF G-D'S WAY AND WITH PERFECT TRUST LET HIM DO IT---------------we sabotage the process by being control freaks and thinking that if we don't do it, it's not going to happen---WRONG!! Just the opposite is true---especially when we are asking for G-d to help us do what seems to be impossible for us to do it on our own! Exercise a healthy dose of trust that Hashem does things in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE-----SO LEAVE HIM ALONE DO MANIFEST MY CREATED REALITY IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE!
c. ASK G-D TO BE HIS MESSENGER [SHALIACH] IN MAKING THIS CREATION MANIFEST-----now you need to open up your inner Divine guidance channel and be able to hear those inner messages [ that I find easiest to pick up on when you ask the right questions, place the questions close by in a pocket or purse and wait to receive the flash that will be the answer!] This 3rd step is best facilitated with a healthy dose of believing in your own inner intuition as well as believing in the reality of G-d's Constant personal Guidance of our lives 24\7!
Traveling, music, art, nature, great outdoors, adrenaline pumping sports, adventure, spirituality, Godliness, Torah and sharing this beauty..this my life.. and just as Hashem provides me with fresh air to breath without me even thinking about it.. I know he will take care of me.. feed me, nourish me, protect me in every way.. and love me forever..
"אתה הוא ה' האלוקים הזן ומפרנס אותנו ומכלכל מקרני ראמים עד ביצי כינים, הטריפני לחם חוקי והמצא לי ולכל בני בית מזונותי קודם שאצטרך להם. בנחת ולא בצער, בהיתר ולא באיסור, בכבוד ולא בביזיון לחיים ולשלום משפע ברכה עליונה כדי שאוכל לעשות רצונך, ולעסוק בתורתך ולקיים מצוותייך ואל תצריכיני לידי מתנת בשר ודם. ויקים בי מקרא שכתוב. פותח את ידך ומשביע לכל חי רצון. וכתוב השלך על ה' יהבך והוא יכלכלך. אמן
Right now it is happening through my music,art, and computer programming - keeping my mind stimulated.. and in that my expenses are low.. I hate shopping for unnecessary materialistic stuff...
Living in S. America, Africa, Asia could be as low as $1 a day.. (I love eating local produce.. fresh fruits and vegetables.. sleeping under the stars.. washing up in springs.. ) but again Gd is infinite and can make anything happen.. giving me a $1 million isn't harder for Him. (it's harder for us.. to create it..because we don't believe it..ok I believe it God!)
May we all have high dreams and the strength to be living it! Truly being dynamic partners with Hashem.. living our calling in life.. our unique contribution.. transforming this world into a divine world.. where there is a complete revelation of Hashem's presence..
May we all see all the time.. your care.. your greatness, your mercy, kindness, beauty..
your everlasting love for us..
Thursday, June 14, 2007
yosef hatzadik
I have never seen such tremendous Kibud Av V'Em..
Hearing him asking my father patiently how he can improve on the tea.. he just made him..(more sugar.. more hot water.. cold water..) in middle of davening.. he reminds me of Yosef Hatzadik embracing his father B'zman Krias Shmah.. doing the right thing at the moment. He lives the truth.. the Torah..
He's a true inspiration..
May Hashem bless him and his family with all blessings.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
free ticket..
I wasn't sure what I was going to do last night.. I got an email about a show.. I was thinking of possibly going so I called up a ticket seller asking.. "do you have any tickets available for the show tonight?".. "how much are the cheapest?".. she answered she had none and that I could probably get one at the door. A few minutes later she called me back.. I have a free ticket for you.. if you like.. you can pick it up at the door.. so sweet.. Thank You.. and Thank You Hashem..
I am glad I went.. The performance was amazing! so beautiful!
Thank You Rebitzin Green writer director producer 'inspirer' (just sounds right here) --
her message in the playbill - My prayer to Hashem is that after experiencing a little crying, and laughter, that we can go back to our very holy lives and continue to do our avodas hashem with more energy than what we had when we came to the theater tonight.
I hope you enjoy.
This is for you!
I enjoyed it!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Carpathian Mountain House
it's happy healthy wholesome holy food..
it makes you feel so happy.. and high on life..
The owner of the Carpathian Mountain House (nachlaot gilboa 38) makes the most delicious wholesome holy food.. macrobiotic.. we get together on Tuesday for dinner ..lesson.. and spiritual food talk.. it's really cool.. Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of the 200 year old man... (The 'chocolate chips' cookies were delicious!)
afterwards..I felt so good.. I was so joyful .. I was skipping and dancing through Jerusalem street alleys..
looking forwards for Tuesdays.
If you are into eating healthy happy wholesome holy food.. you should check out..
prayer day
מירון.. צפת.. טבריה.. עמוקה
driving through the beautiful bikah..
May all our prayers be answered..
do it now!
don't let excuses such as.. it's too late... get in the way...
you can do it now.
do it!
(It was 8:15.. 'it's probably all over'.. 'but I said I'll be there'.. 'now I have the chance to go.. so I should..' I went.. and I am happy I did.. k- thanks to the ride from Tzafon all the way to Jerusalem .. he even dropped me off right where I! what a special person.. so many beautiful lessons.. it's not about points.. blessings.. grapes..recognizing the good, appreciation, thanking Hashem.. seeing the beauty.. and consciously enjoying it..
Monday, June 11, 2007
I miss my mom
and my dad.. talking to him.. Please hashem heal him.. send him a refuah sheleimah very soon.. may no one suffer any pain.. May we all be happy healthy and well.. living meaningful.. purposeful beautiful long lives.. so that we can serve you with sincerity, awe and love..
ברכי נפשי את ה' ואל תשכחי כל גמוליו
הסלח לכל עונכי הרפא לכל תחלאיכי
הגואל משחת חייכי המעטרכי חסד ורחמים
המשביע בטוב עדיך
תתחדש כנשר נעוריכי
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
נחל מעיינות
the magical word מעיינות got me there.. I thought to not only one.. but this is it! it's 'the stream of springs'..
but there were none.. they existed in times of the Roman Empire.. (and the recent man-made lake was all dried up.. they are redoing it..)
- this is how the lake looked once upon a time..
it was a nice hike.. but too hot..
I then got a ride to a stunning observation of the entire area.. it was awesome.. Really worth it..
on my way back home.. the guy giving me a ride.. told me about his life transforming experience in Uman.. he got me thinking about going this טו באב.. my Africa trip isn't happening meanwhile..Maybe go to Uman Rabbi Nachman, Bal Shem Tov..I might do it g-d willing.. eastern europe.. tlv-bucharest and train/backpack through Romania Carpathian Mountains..ukraine...maybe Czech and Hungary too (if you wanna join let me super budget adventurous.. extreme.. )
Friday, June 01, 2007

one of the most beautiful places..

I stayed till after the off hours..
when I could get real close to the waterfall..

I so enjoyed it! It was after nine pm.. still wanted to get back home tonight.. so I left the national park.. the gate was closed.. no big deal.. I'll just climb over.. or slide through.. but then the next gate.. had a sign.. electronic gate.. do not touch.. so I walked.. and walked.. and then Thank G-d found a path straight out.. (I asked about the electronic gates.. I was told it was for the animals.. nothing fatal.. but I guess it still wouldn't be fun climbing over while getting zapped.. g-d forbid..)