Wednesday, May 30, 2007

sole on fire

my soles were on fire..
it was a hot hot day.. and I was skating to the dead sea.. I left earlier than usual.. so it was hotter and also I changed a new brake pad on my rollerblades so I allowed myself to go a lot quicker.. this intensified the heat.. my feet felt they were on fire..
I went to the hot springs..
so so hot.. I was sure no one would show up on such a hot day.. I swam far far into the waters of the dead sea.. and then I saw two people approaching the spot where I left my stuff (clothes and rollerblades).. I was too far to swim back on time.. I just yelled.. I didn't want to lose my clothing.. it has happened in the past and it was not cool.. having your clothes stolen.. (yes, a miracle happened then in Goa..after two hours of crying praying trying to find my clothing.. any clothig..but still not fun.. )
after about an hour of swimming I got back to the shore.. my stuff was there.. a bit smoky... (from the two smokers..) but it was all there.. The 2 guys left shortly afterwards.. I washed up with my water bottle.. and then chilled.. no one else showed up.. it was quiet.. and fell asleep.. next to the beautiful dead sea.. and the mountains.. and the sky turning.. bluish.. pinkish..purplish..

got back to jerusalem.. and went to a fun night dip.. wallaja road spring..
(the next week I was back there.. and found out why it is called wallaja... if you skate down there from malcha.. it's a downhill and then you have the train tracks.. which you have to jump over.. coming from a downhill.. you are going at a nice speed ..the jumps are high and you need to do them after the go walla walla walla walla..)


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